Legal Notice

1. The Musel E-Hub website

Through the Musel Energy Hub (hereinafter referred to as “Musel E-Hub”) website accessible via the following URL addresses and you can access content related to the world of energy (hereinafter, the “Website”).

The information of the party responsible for the Website is as follows: Musel Energy Hub S.L. Paseo de los Olmos, 19 28005 MADRID, tax ID B-44907459 Listed on the Madrid Mercantile Registry in Volume 45021, folio 177, sheet M-792415.

2. Conditions for access to and use of the Website

Access to the Website requires the prior reading and acceptance of these Conditions for Access and Use (hereinafter “the Conditions”).

By accessing and using the Website, we understand that as the User confirms, fully, expressly and without reservations, their agreement with the content of each and every one of these Conditions in their version published on the Website at the time of access. Users who are not in agreement with the content of these Conditions must refrain from accessing and using the Website. The Website reserves the right to change these Conditions and to notify Users by means of corresponding notifications on the Website, in order to make Users aware of any changes from the outset.

Access to the Website is free of charge for Users and viewing the Website does not require any prior subscription or registration. An exception is made for any access that expressly appear as “reserved”, or access for which a restriction is indicated, or a charge is advised prior to viewing.

As a User, you declare yourself to be of legal age and/or have the legal capacity and competence to become bound by these Conditions. As a User, you agree, fully, expressly and without reservations or exceptions, that the access and use of the Website and its content under your sole and exclusive responsibility.

3. Website Content

As a User, you assume, know, and accept, by the very fact of visiting the Website, that the data and information on content and any other data and information that appear on the Website are solely and exclusively informative, as preliminary information for the attention of Users and that, at any given time, they may contain errors or inaccuracies or may not be up to date.

Musel E-Hub reserves the right to modify, at its discretion and unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the configuration of the Website, as well as the content and conditions of access. In the same way, Musel E-Hub reserves the right to incorporate new content on the Website, as well as the right to eliminate, limit, suspend or prevent access to the content shown through the Website, either temporarily or definitively, when the reasons foreseen in these Conditions occur. 

An exception is made to the indications in the foregoing two paragraphs for any data or information which Musel E-Hub is legally obliged to publish or reveal, and when it has chosen the Website as the media in which to publish such information. Any specific content on this Website that exceeds its informative role will be expressly indicated, and Musel E-Hub shall assume responsibility for the truthfulness and correctness of the information contained in such cases.

The content is offered free of charge.

4. Representations and warranties

Musel E-Hub represents and warrants that the Website has the necessary technology (software and hardware), at this time, to permit access and use. However, we are not responsible for the possible existence of viruses or other harmful elements, introduced by any means or by any third party, which may produce alterations or harmful consequences in the computer systems you use to access.

As a User of the Website, you fully accept the foregoing and undertake to exercise the utmost diligence and prudence in accessing and using the Website. Among other precautions, you should observe the security recommendations shown on the Website.

You also accept that Musel E-Hub has created and developed the Website in good faith with information from internal and external sources, and that such information is provided on an “as is” basis and may contain errors or be outdated.

Musel E-Hub can on no account guarantee the accuracy, current relevance, or the completeness of the content of the Website. Therefore, as a User, you exonerate Musel E-Hub from any responsibility in relation to the expectations that the Website may produce or generate in you while browsing it.

You guarantee that any activities you conduct using the Website will be legal and moral and adhere to generally accepted social norms and public order, and that in no case may they offend the good name and commercial image of Musel E-Hub, of other Users of the Website, or of third-party service providers.

In particular, you undertake to use the Website correctly and diligently, and you must refrain from using it for purposes or effects that are illegal or prohibited by these Conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or in any way that may damage, render useless, overload or deteriorate the Website, the computer equipment of third parties as well as the documents, files and all types of content stored on their computer equipment, or impede the normal use or enjoyment of the Website.

In particular, for merely illustrative purposes, you undertake not to use the Website:

  • To assume the identity of a third party.
  • To violate the basic rights and public freedoms recognised in national legislation and in international treaties or conventions and, in particular, to attack the honour, privacy, image, or ownership of goods and rights of third parties.
  • To incite or promote criminal, insulting, defamatory or offensive actions, or actions that are, in general, contrary to the law, morality, generally accepted social norms and public order.
  • To induce or promote discriminatory actions or ideas based on race, gender, ideology, religion, or beliefs.
  • To incorporate, make available, or allow access to products, elements, messages and/or services that are criminal, violent, pornographic, offensive or, in general, contrary to the law, morality and public order.
  • To violate the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties.
  • To violate legislation on privacy of communications, regulations on advertising and/or regulations on unfair competition.
  • To wilfully and maliciously transmit, through the Website, e-mails, software, or data (including viruses or malware) that cause or can cause loss or damage in any degree to the computer systems of Musel E-Hub or of other Users or of third parties, or to falsify the origin of e-mail or other material contained in files transmitted via the Website.

5. General disclaimer

Musel E-Hub makes no representations, nor does it offer warranties of any kind, either explicit or implicit, on the workings of the Website or the information, content, software, materials, or products included on the Website, to the degree allowed by the applicable legislation. Likewise, Musel E-Hub is  exonerated from the obligation to provide warranties, either explicit or implicit, including, among others, guarantees of a suitability for a particular purpose.

Musel E-Hub cannot be held liable for losses or damages of any kind that may be derived from the use of this Website, including, among others, direct and indirect damages.

Musel E-Hub accepts no liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may be derived from interruptions in Website service or by its continuity. Likewise, Musel E-Hub is not liable for any possible errors or security deficiencies that may occur when you use a browser that has not been updated to the latest version or that suffers from any vulnerability, as well as for the activation of password or user credential conservation devices in the browser or for any damage, errors or inaccuracies that may arise from the malfunctioning of the Website.

Musel E-Hub does not provide warranties of any kind, either expressly or implied, with respect to the information transmitted, distributed, published, or stored on the Website, nor with respect to the way the Users and their employees, or third parties make use thereof.

In all cases of responsibility attributable to Musel E-Hub, it shall be liable only for the actual direct losses and damages caused, without including in any case compensation for loss of earnings.

As a User, you will be liable for damages of any nature that Musel E-Hub may suffer as a direct or indirect consequence of the breach of these Conditions.

6. Links or hypertext links with the Website

As a User or owner of other websites who intends to create a hypertext link (hereinafter, link) to the Website, you must respect and ensure compliance with Musel E-Hub’s rules on web links. These rules are:

  • No links to locations or sub-locations on the Website other than the home page of the Website.
  • No links that enable whole or partial reproduction of the home page of the Website.
  • No false, imprecise, or incorrect declarations shall be placed next to the link that can lead to error or confusion, or, in general, that are contrary to the law, morality or accepted social norms.
  • No protected trademark or logo shall be included other than that of the URL of the Website.
  • No links shall be created to websites containing content, statements or advertising that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, or which advocates terrorism or attacks on human rights, and which, in general, may damage in any way the good commercial name or image of Musel E-Hub or of its customers. In no case shall the inclusion by other websites of links to the Website imply that Musel E-Hub maintains any ties or associations of any type with the owner of the website establishing the link or, even less so, that Musel E-Hub promotes, approves, guarantees, or recommends the content of those web pages or websites.

The Website may contain links to other websites not managed by Musel E-Hub. Musel E-Hub accepts no responsibility for the information contained on those websites that may be accessed by links on Musel E-Hub’s Website or webpages or their search engines. The presence of links on the Musel E-Hub Website is merely for the purpose of providing information.

Therefore, Musel E-Hub makes no  warranties, express or implied, of any nature whatsoever with respect to:

  • Losses and damages, either direct, indirect, or of any other type that may be caused by the products or services offered, marketed, acquired, sold, or rendered through the Website.
  • Prices offered or agreed to by the Users with the offering entities.
  • Transactions or operations carried out between them.
  • The successful conclusion of such transactions or operations.
  • The terms and conditions agreed to by them for their business deals and conditions for use, or modifications, compliance and execution, billing, and ways and means of payment and settlement.
  • The information exchanged between them.
  • The content and use or non-use of personal information that such entities require from Users in order to acquire business and carry out the operations.
  • The content and use of the personal information that Musel E-Hub transmits to those entities with the sole and exclusive purpose of following through on the business relationship initiated or created, in accordance with the indications given in the Notification at the bottom of the User registration form.
  • The utilisation by Users of advertising, or of the distinguishing signs and symbols of a third party or of their own.

7. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

All the content of the Website (including, but not limited to, databases, images and photographs, patents, utility and industrial models, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video and software) are the property of Musel E-Hub or of the content providers who have assigned or licensed them to Musel E-Hub and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws. The compilation (understood to be the gathering, design, layout, and set-up) of the entire content of the Website is the exclusive property of Musel E-Hub and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property laws.

All the software used to design the displays, navigation, use and development of the Website is the property of Musel E-Hub or its software providers, and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property laws.

Brands, labels, distinguishing signs and symbols and logos of Musel E-Hub that appear on the Website are property of Musel E-Hub and are duly registered or in the process of registration. The names of other products, services and companies that appear in this document or on the Website may be the brands and other distinguishing signs registered by their respective and legitimate owners.

All the texts, graphics, videos, and audio files are the property of Musel E-Hub or of its content providers, and may not be modified, copied, altered, transformed, reproduced, adapted, or translated by Users or by third parties without the express authorisation of the content owners.

In no case does making available to Users the databases, drawings, graphs, images and photographs, and text, audio and video files and software owned by Musel E-Hub or by its providers appearing on the Website imply a transfer of their ownership or the granting to Users of a usage right other than the usage right implied by the legitimate use that is in accordance with the nature of the Website.

Apart from the cases expressly authorised, any use of the content of the Website and, in general, of all the rights mentioned in the preceding sections is strictly prohibited. Any such use will constitute an infringement of Musel E-Hub’s intellectual property rights, punishable by law.

8. Force majeure

For the purposes of these Conditions force majeure is understood to include, although it is not limited to:

  • All non-negligent events that are impossible to foresee, or even if foreseen or foreseeable, are inevitable.
  • Failures in access to the Website.
  • Electricity transmission or telephone network failure.
  • Damages caused by third parties or attacks on the Website server (viruses) that affect the quality of the Website and cannot be attributed either to Musel E-Hub or to the User.
  • Failures in the transmission, dissemination, storage, or making available to third parties of the databases and other content of the Website.
  • Problems and errors in receiving, obtaining or accessing the Website or the services by these third parties.

9. Suspension of access to the Website

Musel E-Hub shall make every effort to enable the continuous availability of the Website. However, it reserves the right to carry out, at any time, test, control, and maintenance operations, by any means or procedure. Musel E-Hub will endeavour, whenever reasonably possible, to inform of any activity that may affect the Website by means of a notice on the Website.

Musel E-Hub reserves the right to freely modify its capacity for transmission and monitoring, and other technical methods or services used for access to or use of the Website.

Musel E-Hub may temporarily or definitively suspend the Website, without this giving rise to any type of compensation for Users, under any of the following circumstances:

  • When necessary for maintenance work.
  • When necessary to preserve the integrity or security of the Website, the equipment, systems, or networks of Musel E-Hub or third parties, provided that it affects or may affect the Website.
  • When justified for own- or third-party operational reasons affecting the Website.
  • When there is a force majeure event, Musel E-Hub will endeavour to keep Users informed regarding any suspension and its causes, whenever possible.

10. Termination

These Conditions may be terminated in the following cases:

Musel E-Hub may also terminate the Conditions of use without prior notification when:

  • It is aware that Users are engaged in any illegal activity by means of the Website.
  • The User breaches any of its essential obligations, according to these Conditions and, in particular, in the event of improper use of the access code; and in the event of infringement or challenge of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website.

All of this without prejudice to the exercise of any legal actions that may correspond to it in defence of its interests.

11. Nullity and ineffectiveness of clauses

If any of these Conditions is declared totally or partially null and void or ineffective, it shall be deemed not to have been applied. The other conditions not affected by such nullity or ineffectiveness shall survive and remain in full force and effect, unless they are to be interpreted in the light of the condition that has not been imposed, in which case they shall also be affected.

12. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with and be governed by the laws of Spain. The courts of Madrid shall have jurisdiction over any litigation derived from the existence of, access to, use or content of these Conditions.