Musel E-Hub

A key energy hub for security of supply and decarbonisation

Discover the facilities

Musel E-Hub, owned by Enagás and Reganosa, reinforces Spain’s role as a strategic enclave and will play a crucial role as a multi-molecule terminal.  

2 LNG tanks

of 150.000 m3 each

1 berth

allowing the berthing of LNG carriers with a capacity of between 65,000 and 266,000 m3

800.000 Nm3/h

maximum regasification capacity

Carbon neutral

Musel E-Hub has a strong commitment to sustainability and contributes to emission reduction targets.

Creating quality jobs

With a team made up of more than 50% women, the terminal is committed to a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Commitment to health and safety

It operates under strict standards to guarantee the safety of the infrastructure, its professionals and the environment.