Cookies policy

Through the website of Musel Energy Hub, S.L. (hereinafter “the Website”), accessible via the URLs and we provide users (hereinafter “Users”) with access to content related to our world of energy.

The information of the party responsible for the Website is as follows: Musel E-Hub, S.L. Paseo de los Olmos, no. 19 28005 MADRID, Tax ID B-44907459 Listed on the Madrid Mercantile Registry in volume 45021, folio 177, sheet M-792415. Hereinafter, Musel Energy Hub, S.L. shall be referred to as “the Company” or “Musel E-Hub”.

In accordance with Article 22.2 of Spanish Law 34/2002 of 11 July on the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (the General Data Protection Regulation) and Article 11 of Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, this section of the Website provides you with information on our cookie collection and processing policy.

What are cookies and why do we use them?

Cookies are files that websites use to store and retrieve information about their visitors and users. Among other things, cookies allow websites to keep track of your browsing habits, device, and preferences, and recognise you when you return to a website.

We use our own and partner companies’ cookies to personalise your user experience or to store your preference.

We inform you that we may only store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of the Website (what are known as technical cookies) and, in all other cases, if you give us your consent to use them. You can choose which cookies you want to be installed in the Cookies Panel of the Website.

The first time you visit the Website, we will provide you with information about the cookies we may use, and we will give you the option to select the purposes you consent to (except for technical ones) in the Cookies Panel.

Types and purposes

Below you will find a classification of the cookies we may use on the Website, bearing in mind that the same cookie may be included in more than one category.

Depending on the cookie owner

Depending on the entity that manages the website from which the cookies are sent, and which processes the data obtained, there are:

First-party cookies

These are sent to the User’s terminal from the website the User is accessing, and which provides the service requested by the User.

Third-party cookies

These are sent to the User’s terminal from a domain managed by an entity other than the owner of the website accessed.

Depending on their duration

Depending on their permanence, cookies can be classified as follows:

Session cookies

These expire when the User closes the browser.

Persistent cookies

These expire when the purpose for which they are used is fulfilled (for example, to keep the User logged in to the Website), or when they are manually deleted.

Depending on their purpose

Depending on their purpose, cookies can be classified as follows:

Technical cookies

  • Personalisation cookies

These cookies remember your browsing preferences so that you do not have to reconfigure the service each time you visit the Website. For example, the language settings and the products the User placed in the shopping cart.

  • Geolocation cookies

These are used to find out which country you are in when you access the Website or request a Service. In this case, the User remains completely anonymous, and the cookie is only used to select page content based on your location.

  • Registration cookies

These are generated when you register and, after registration, when you log in. They are used to identify you as for the following purposes:

a) Keep the session open so that the Website recognises you when you log in again. The purpose of these cookies is to make it easier for you to browse without having to log in again. If you click on the “log out” link, the cookie is deleted, and your login details are forgotten.

b) Check whether you are authorised to access certain services, for example, to participate in a contest.

Analytical cookies

  • Third-party analytical cookies

Each time you access a service or information on the Website or a tool from a third-party vendor (Google Analytics, Comscore or similar), an analytical cookie is installed in your browser. This cookie will be used on future visits to the site to identify you anonymously. The main objectives pursued are to:

a) Allow anonymous tracking of Users through the cookie (it identifies browsers and devices but not people) and with it the approximate number of visitors and the duration of their visits.

b) Anonymously track the most visited content and therefore the most attractive content to Users.

c) Know whether the User is accessing the page for the first time or whether the User returns to the page after a first visit. Unless the User decides to register for a service or content on the Website, the cookie will never be associated with any personal data that can identify the User. These cookies are only used for statistical purposes to help optimise the User experience on the Website.

Advertising cookies

These allow the owner of the Website to know if you visited the advertisement displayed. They also allow the management of advertising spaces on the Website by storing data on the User’s browsing behaviour in order to offer advertisements. Advertising cookies may be first- or third-party cookies.

  • Third-party advertising cookies

In addition to advertising managed by the Website in the content, it is possible to offer advertisers the option to serve ads through third parties (“Ad Servers”). Accordingly, these third parties can store cookies sent from the content of the Website coming from the Users’ browsers and access the data stored in them. Companies that generate these cookies have their own privacy policies.

More information about cookies

For further information, you can read the Spanish supervisory authority’s Guidelines on the use of Cookies.

Cookies used on the Website

The cookies used on this Website are as follows, by type and function:

CookieMuselehub__ga, __gid, gat_xxxxaffinity
Duration2 yearsPermanentSession
HeadlineFirst-partyThird-party: GoogleFirst-party
PurposeRegister the acceptance of cookiesThese cookies are set by Google Analytics to track web usageCookie for the internal operation of AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) Cloud
Data processedNo data processingNo data processingNo data processing
International transfer of dataN/AN/AN/A

Cookie expiration

The Website will only use cookies for the time strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes indicated for each cookie.

In no case will first-party cookies have an expiration date of more than two years.

In relation to third-party cookies, you can check the expiration in the third party’s Cookie Policy and, where applicable, in its Privacy Policy.

Once the cookie has expired, it can be reinstalled on your device if you accept its use again.

Warning about deleting cookies

You have the possibility to block all non-technical cookies. However, it is possible that some functionalities or the quality of the Website itself may be affected.

In addition, we remind you that if you do not allow the installation of personalisation cookies, you will have to update your preferences each time you log in to the Website.


By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you consent to the use of the cookies listed above, and to the conditions contained in this Cookie Policy.

If you wish to revoke your consent, please set your browser to refuse cookies and clear your browser history to delete cookies already set. Further information is available under the following heading.

You can also choose which cookies you want to set by clicking on the “Set cookies”option. We inform you, however, that the deactivation of some non-technical cookies may affect the browsing on the Website.

How to block and delete installed cookies

You can configure your browser settings to block or delete the cookies installed on your device. The links below provide more information on how to do this in the most common browsers:

Other cookie management tools

For further information on how cookies work, you may visit the websites listed below. In addition, there are tools that allow you to manage the storage of cookies in your browser.


Link: Ghostery


Link: Adblock

Your online choices

Link: Your online choices


Data subjects’ rights

The cookies used by the Website do not store any personal data or any information that can be used to identify you, unless you voluntarily register to receive information about promotions and content of interest to you.

View our Privacy Policy for further information about the data processing carried out by Musel E-Hub and about your rights as a data subject.

Amendment of this Cookies Policy

Musel E-Hub may modify this Cookies Policy according to legal requirements and instructions from the Spanish Data Protection Agency. We therefore recommend that you check the Policy from time to time.

Last updated: May 2024