Privacy Policy

We hereby inform you that your data will be processed in accordance with Spanish Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights and with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter the “GDPR”).

Through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the Policy), Musel Energy Hub informs about how it processes the personal data it collects. In doing so, we comply with the principle of transparency as laid down in the data protection regulations.

This Policy applies to all data processing operations carried out by Musel E-Hub. However, it does not apply to third-party websites, including websites accessed via links on our websites.

The Data Controller

The data controller is Musel Energy Hub S.L . (hereinafter, Musel E-Hub).

For any matter related to the processing of your data by Musel E-Hub, you can send your request to the following e-mail address or by post to Paseo de los Olmos, 19, 28005, Madrid, where our head office is located.

Data we process and the means by which we obtain the data

For merely illustrative purposes but not limited, we may process the following personal data by the following means:

  • Those that you voluntarily provide us with through the e-mail addresses in the “Contact” section of this website or those that are derived from the communications that you maintain with us, such as, among others, those obtained through the selection processes in which you register.
  • We will process your image via our video surveillance system to protect the people in the Musel E-Hub buildings and facilities.
  • Those that you provide us with through comments on our social media, including those relating to your profile and others of an identifying nature.
  • If you provide personal data relating to a third party, you warrant that you have obtained their consent to provide us with their data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

Where the processing involves special conditions, those conditions shall prevail over this Privacy Policy. You will then be informed specifically about the processing and its purpose.

Purpose and lawful basis for processing

Musel E-Hub may process your personal data for the following purposes:

a) Contact form

We will process your data in order to reply to any queries, suggestions or complaints you send us via the contact form. The basis for legitimate processing is your consent, which you give at the time of sending the information.

B) Manage data relating to contract representatives and potential customers

To manage and perform the contractual relationship we have with companies such as shippers, distributors and/or suppliers, we process the contact details of the companies’ representatives. This processing is based on Musel E-Hub’s legitimate interest in maintaining the relationship and executing the contract.

We also process the data of potential customers who have provided us with their data, such as legal entities, representatives of institutions, representatives of public bodies, journalists, analysts or investors and shareholders. The basis for legitimate processing in these cases is the consent given to us by the data subject, as well as our legitimate interest in maintaining this relationship.

c) Relations with suppliers

Musel E-Hub may process the data of supplier’s employees (provided either by the supplier or the employee) to ensure the quality of the service provided by the supplier, allow access to Musel E-Hub’s facilities and to comply with legal obligations in relation to social security. The legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest in overseeing the relationship with our suppliers and the associated responsibilities.

d) Job offers

Musel E-Hub regularly publishes job offers and also have a channel for the receipt of speculative applications. In the event that you contact the company by these means, we will process your data, together with all the documentation you send us, in order to assess your profile and consider you for possible vacancies within Musel E-Hub. The lawful basis for the processing in this case is the consent you give when completing and submitting the job application form.

e) Training

The company organises training activities both for our professionals and third parties. If you take part in a training activity organised by Musel E-Hub, we will process your data for the purpose of managing your participation and gauging your satisfaction with the activity.

The lawful basis for the processing is our legitimate interest in promoting the exchange of knowledge and skills of our employees and, if you are not an employee, the consent you gave when registering for the training course.

f) Control of access to our premises

We carry out access controls to our facilities, so we need to process the data of our visitors. In this case, we rely on the legitimate interest of Musel E-Hub to ensure safety on Musel E-Hub premises.

g) Video surveillance

We have video surveillance cameras to guarantee the security of the people in the Musel E-Hub facilities. The lawful basis for the processing is our legitimate interest in preventing or investigating, where appropriate, possible incidents that may occur in our establishments, as well as the fulfilment of a mission carried out in the public interest, according to Spanish Law 5/2014, of 4 April, on Private Security.

h) Responsibilities

Where necessary, we will process your data in order to comply with our tax, commercial, labour and/or administrative obligations. The lawful basis for this processing is compliance with our legal obligations that corresponds to each case.

Data retention

We will retain your personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected, for as long as the contractual relationship remains in force, provided that you do not exercise your right of erasure and we must keep them in compliance with a legal obligation or for the exercise and defence of claims. We will inform you of the criterion and duration of the processing in each specific case.

Once your relationship with Musel E-Hub has ended, we will keep your data blocked for the legally established periods, at the disposal of the Public Administrations, Judges and Courts, for possible criminal, civil, commercial and/or administrative liabilities that may arise from the processing, as well as for the exercise and defence of claims before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Recipients of the data

Musel E-Hub may share your personal data with the following recipients:

  • Third parties to whom we are required by law to disclose your data, for example, administrative or tax authorities, or Social Security Bodies and Entities.
  • Third parties to whom we have to disclose your data to fulfil the basic purposes of the relationship.
  • Suppliers who provide certain services to us as data processors. Musel E-Hub requires data processors to guarantee the legality and security of the processing carried out on its behalf.

In the event that your data is accessed by companies in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) that do not offer an adequate level of protection similar to that afforded by the EEA, Musel E-Hub shall be covered by one of the safeguards provided in the GDPR.

Data security

We inform you that Musel E-Hub is adopting all the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the personal data supplied, in order to avoid their alteration, loss and/or unauthorised processing or access.

In order to keep your personal data up to date in our files, you must inform us of any change in them. Otherwise, the company is not responsible for any inaccurate or untrue data, nor for the consequences that such inaccuracy may cause to Musel E-Hub or third parties.

Processing of data in social media

If the User decides to include personal information on social media, their data will be processed by Musel E-Hub, from its corporate accounts, in accordance with this Policy. Specifically, the data you provide through our social profiles will be processed by Musel Energy Hub S.L., with registered office at Paseo de los Olmos, 19, Madrid, for the purpose of interacting and communicating with you via social media to better acquaint you with our activities and expertise.

The legal basis for the processing is your status as a “user”, “friend” or “follower” of our social media profile or to be able to respond if you mention our profile in your comments, even if you are not a follower; in the latter case, we will process the minimum data needed to reply to you.

Once you stop “following” our social media profile, we will retain your data for a period of two years.

Nevertheless, when interacting with us on social media, you should be aware that the terms of use are determined by each social media platform and are therefore beyond our control and not covered by this Policy. Therefore, before you continue to use them or provide any personal information, it is important that you ensure that you are aware of and agree to their legal terms and conditions and privacy policy.

We also recommend that you avoid including your own or third parties’ personal data when communicating with us on social media.


In general, Musel E-Hub does not process the personal data of persons under 18 years of age. The content we offer are generally intended for people over the age of 18.

However, we may occasionally hold corporate events that involve the processing of data belonging to minors. In such cases, we will not process their data (name, surname(s), photograph, image, etc.) without first notifying the minor’s parents or guardians about the processing and obtaining their consent if the minor is under the age of 14.

Musel E-Hub accepts no responsibility for personal data published by minors on our social media pages without their parents’ or guardians’ consent.

Rights of the data subject

You may exercise your rights to access, rectification, erasure, restriction, data portability, restriction of processing and objection to the processing of your data and revoke the consent previously granted, and request not to be subject to automated decisions, where appropriate by sending a written request to or to the address: Paseo de los Olmos 19, 28005 Madrid, including a copy of your national ID card or equivalent identity document and specifying the rights you wish to exercise.

If a legal or voluntary representative is acting on your behalf, they must also provide a document to this effect as well as their own identity document.

Likewise, if you have given your consent for any specific processing, you may revoke it at any time by sending a request by e-mail to or by post to the address indicated above.

Templates, forms, and additional information about the above rights can be found on the Official website of the Spanish supervisory authority Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.

If you consider that your data is not being correctly processed by Musel E-Hub, you can send a complaint to the following email address or to the Spanish supervisory authority (

Responsibility of the data subject

We are not responsible for the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, updating and/or authenticity of the data you provide. Furthermore, Musel E-Hub is not responsible for data you provide relating to third parties when you have not obtained their consent.

Amendment of this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by informing you of any significant changes to this Privacy Policy. Your data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the latest version; therefore, we recommend that you check the Policy from time to time.