Musel E-Hub

Musel E-Hub

In September 2023, Enagás and Reganosa signed an agreement to create a strategic energy hub in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. As part of this alliance, Reganosa becomes a shareholder in the El Musel regasification terminal, which was previously 100% owned by Enagás. The terminal has since been renamed Musel E-Hub. 

The participation in this facility allows the two companies to take advantage of their synergies and work together to strengthen the role of Musel E-Hub as a key infrastructure for guaranteeing energy supply and decarbonisation. 


The terminal 

Located in Gijón, Asturias, Musel E-Hub is a strategic terminal for the creation of an energy hub in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, which will contribute to guaranteeing the security of Europe’s energy supply. It will also be key to the integration of renewable hydrogen production in the region with future hydrogen corridors, as well as its adaptation as a multi-molecule facility for the storage and management of climate-neutral molecules, such as green hydrogen and its derivatives. 

Its nominal natural gas emission capacity is 800,000 Nm3/hour although it currently only emits the minimum regasification necessary for the proper management of boil-off gas in the Spanish gas system pipeline network. 

2 LNG tanks

of 150,000 m3 each

1 berth

allowing the berthing of LNG carriers with a capacity of between 65,000 and 266,000 m3

800.000 Nm3/hour

maximum regasification capacity

The terminal received the final commissioning certificate in July 2023, being commissioned under the unique and temporary economic regime established by the resolution of the National Commission for Markets and Competition of 2 February 2023, which establishes a unique and temporary economic regime.  

Between March and June 2023, Enagás carried out the open season process for the allocation of logistics services for the terminal. Endesa was the company awarded the contract for the terminal’s logistics services, after receiving a total of 13 binding bids for the capacity offered. 

In August 2023, the terminal received Endesa’s first ship, the 180,000 m3 capacity ‘Gaslog Warsaw’, after the final technical tests required prior to the commercial operation of the terminal.  



With more than 50 years’ experience in the natural gas midstream business and assets in eight countries, Enagás is an independent TSO (Transmission System Operator) and the Technical Manager of the Spanish gas system. From December 2023, the company is the provisional manager of the hydrogen backbone in Spain (HTNO).  


Reganosa plays a key role in transforming the energy model and mitigating the effects of climate change. The company is part of a group that operates key assets for security of supply in Europe, Asia and Africa. In recent years it has provided services in 25 countries on 4 continents. It also promotes projects in energy storage, efficiency, renewables, circular economy, digitalisation and green hydrogen. 

What we do 

Musel E-Hub is a terminal that can receive liquefied natural gas (LNG) from any country in the world. 

It provides logistics services for unloading, storage and loading of LNG onto ships. It also has associated capacity for regasification services and loading of tankers and ships with liquefied natural gas for re-export or use as marine fuel. 

To this end, this infrastructure has two 150,000 m3 LNG storage tanks, two tanker loading bays with a maximum loading capacity of 9GWh/d, a maximum emission capacity of 800,000 Nm3/hour and a berth to receive ships with a capacity of up to 266,000 m3

This is how an LNG terminal operates